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New: Lecture Statistics in Online Courses

In Course Statistics, you can see how students are attending your course and completing their homework. This data will help you understand which lectures and assignments students enjoy and which are causing difficulties. Based on this data, you can improve your course and its completion rate.
Data Display Filters
In Statistics, you can flexibly customize filters and display separate data for all students who started the course, those who attended lectures, or those who completed the course. You can also set the time period in which an event from the filter occurred. The course overview is available and displays the total number of students, the number of students who completed the course, and more.

Extended Stats
Below you will find extended statistics that display the detailed student progress in the course as a graph and as a table. The graph shows which lectures students open and complete successfully and which ones they are not interested in.

In the table, you can also see the time spent to complete each lecture.

Homework Assignments & Tests Stats
Also, you can see a chart showing how students are doing on their assignments. Information is displayed for each test or homework assignment. For homework, data on successful submissions, the number of assignments on review, and unsuccessful attempts are available, while for tests, the number of successful and unsuccessful submissions are displayed.

Where to find Course Statistics: in your project, open Members → Courses tab → Course Statistics.

Find out all the details about the lecture statistics in our Help Center article: https://help.tilda.cc/courses#lecture-stats

In case you haven’t heard about Tilda’s Online Course Builder, check it out: https://tilda.cc/lp/course-builder
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