Tilda Blog

New Profession: Designer On Tilda

💪 A good designer impacts business success. How? By being skilled in various fields such as visual design, interfaces, UX, branding, identity, copywriting, marketing, SEO, and sales.

Tilda enabled designers to implement an interdisciplinary approach: Technical processes are simplified and all the tools for effective communication are there for you.

👉 This is how a new job came around: Designer on Tilda. It combines several jobs because business, design, and communication can no longer be separated as sales are made online today.

Designers on Tilda create not only effective websites for clients but also design the client's online presence from A to Z.

Learn more about the job of a designer on Tilda: https://tilda.education/en/articles-designer-on-tilda

2022-05-19 15:00