Tilda Blog

⚡️ Pro: New Template Collection Created with Zero Block

Pro is an experimental collection of templates built on Zero Block with non-standard layouts, creative use of typography, and interactive animation effects. Designed for advanced Tilda users.

Discover template demos: http://zero.tilda.cc/templates

Templates don't limit your creativity: adapt Pro templates to your purposes, modify the blocks you need, delete the unnecessary ones, and adjust the template for landing pages, presentations, online stores, etc.

🌟 In Pro templates, you may find a block that perfectly suits one of the sections on your website. Just add a new page with the template to your project, copy the block, and customize it to fit your design.

New templates are already available in your Tilda dashboard: you can select them when creating a new page. After you’ve added a template, please set up its fonts.

✨ Create outstanding websites faster with the new Zero Block templates.
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