Tilda Blog

Breakpoints For Custom Screen Resolutions In Zero Block

Meet custom breakpoints in Zero Block: You can now create responsive layouts for virtually any device resolution. The breakpoint range is 320px to 1920px.

Modify 5 default screen sizes, add new breakpoints, or remove unnecessary ones. A maximum of 10 different viewport sizes can be configured.

If your website is often accessed from computers with large screens, you can add the breakpoint of 1920px to control elements' positions on such screens.

You can also adjust the display of the block on different mobile devices, regardless of the screen size.

You can adjust the grid for every new screen resolution you add to Zero Block. Choose the resolution you want → open the Artboard Settings → Zero Block Settings → Grid, and specify your own values.

Learn more about setting up breakpoints 👉 https://blog-en.tilda.cc/custom-breakpoints
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