Tilda Blog

Buttons with Images, Color, or Text. Radio Buttons for Choosing Product Variants

👕 You can now visualize the product range on a card using customizable buttons. Show the product by adding images to the product selection buttons. If the product comes in a variety of colors, it's a good idea to use colored circles as selection buttons. Buttons with editable text work well for size options.

🔺How to set up the look of a product variant in the card?
Go to your Catalog and select a product. Next, in the settings panel, select the "Product Variants" tab → Add a new option. Name the option–it can be a color, for example. Select the type of control elements: a drop-down list, radio buttons, or buttons.

👉 To make the product selection option in the form of a colored circle, select the "Button" element type and check the box "Color option". If you want o display the product selection option as an image, set the element type to "Button" and check the box "Link to variant image".
2021-05-07 12:00