You can now flexibly customize the Start Page design in Courses and Members Area. This is the page that displays the list of groups for logged-in users with access to 2+ groups.
Learn how you can personalize the Start Page👇
Personalize the list of groups in your users' accounts. Add text, images, or videos both above and below the list of groups. For example, add a short description for the links listed below.
Customize the overall design of the page by uploading a background image or changing the background color, adjusting the container's border radius, aligning text, varying the font size, etc.
Container height adjusts based on number of groups.
Where to find: Members Area Settings → Advanced → Start Page Settings.
Learn how you can personalize the Start Page👇
Personalize the list of groups in your users' accounts. Add text, images, or videos both above and below the list of groups. For example, add a short description for the links listed below.
Customize the overall design of the page by uploading a background image or changing the background color, adjusting the container's border radius, aligning text, varying the font size, etc.
Container height adjusts based on number of groups.
Where to find: Members Area Settings → Advanced → Start Page Settings.