Tilda Blog

Blogging With Tilda Feeds

Feeds is a built-in feature that simplifies blogging on Tilda. It saves time on creating layouts, sorting, and publishing blog posts and daily news. Discover how Feeds simplify blogging 👉

1. Feeds are updated instantly, you don't need to publish every post. Add a new post in the editor, save it, and it'll be displayed on the page with the connected feed. This saves time and simplifies news publishing.
2. Feed posts don't require layout design as you create them in a simplified editor that comes with all basic design tools: Image, video, quote, divider, preface, and heading.
3. Feeds allow you to schedule posts and automatically delete old ones. This helps you sort posts and keep news feeds in order.
4. You can create several feeds and display different information on different pages, as well as create categories for navigation.
5. A separate page is automatically created for every post and indexed by search engines. Mobile-optimized Google AMP is also available.

👁 How to choose between // page editor // and Tilda Feeds?

For illustrated articles with unique and complex layouts, it's better to use the Tilda page editor and choose the blocks you need. To publish simple posts quickly, go for Feeds.

Learn more about blogging with Tilda Feeds 👉 https://tilda.cc/lp/feeds
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