When placing an order in your online store, customers can now select multiple additional options for a single product. For instance, when ordering a pizza, they can add several extra toppings like anchovies, red onion, and jalapeños.
What Are Additional Options? Additional options are customizable features or extras that customers can select when purchasing a product or service. For example, when ordering flowers, customers can choose a ribbon, special packaging, and a personalized note. Each add-on will affect the final price.
Where To Find To enable multiple choice for additional options, go to the Product Catalog → select a product → scroll down to Additional Options → select Multiple Choice under the Usage Mode setting.
Note that each additional option should be added on a new line. If an add-on increases the price, make sure to enter it like this: An additional option =+100 (where 100 is the extra cost that will be added to the final price)