Tilda Blog

How To Get Your First Clients As a Web Designer

If you're an aspiring designer ready to start working with clients, what do you need to do to get your first real assignment? We've put together 7 ways to get your first client.

Portfolio Website

First, you need to create a portfolio website with your contacts and student projects. An online portfolio is a business card that shows your skills and professional level and convinces a client to work with you.

Tilda Experts

This is a service for web designers and studios who create websites on Tilda. You can create a portfolio in 10 minutes: The projects are added automatically. To add a new project to the list, copy the Website Designer ID in your Tilda Experts profile and paste it into the project settings.
Pros: A lot of target clients
Cons: You need to have a strong portfolio


If you've created a cool website on Tilda, you can submit it to the #madeontilda gallery. A potential client can proceed to your Tilda profile from the gallery, see your works, and contact you directly. If your website hasn't been added to the gallery on the first try, don't give up—improve it and send it again.
Pros: Lots of clients who can see the real websites (not prototypes)
Cons: Challenging to get to the gallery


Behance is not just a place to find inspiration and create a portfolio but also a tool to get orders. If you want clients to notice your works, update the portfolio and boost your skills on personal projects.
Pros: Clients find you by themselves
Cons: It's time-consuming + you need to update the portfolio regularly

Word Of Mouth

An aspiring designer has to talk about their work. Don't be shy to tell your friends and relatives what you do, publish your projects on social media, and specify your specialization on all your profiles. This is the best way to find the first customers.
Pros: Clients approach you by themselves
Cons: It takes time + it might be difficult to promote yourself

Reaching Out To Companies And Studios

If you like what a company or studio does and want to collaborate with them, tell them how exactly you can help. It's best to start with small businesses: If a flower shop in your city has no website, you can build it. Reach out and explain why a website is good for their business and attach your work.
Pros: You can choose who you want to work with
Cons: Be prepared for rejections and silence in response

Freelance Marketplaces And Advertising Services

It looks like the most obvious way to find first clients. But the truth is, a lot of experienced professionals are there, and it's hard for a beginner to stand out among them. Anyway, it's worth creating accounts there and adding your portfolio and contacts.
Pros: A lot of orders are in one place
Cons: It's hard for a beginner to get through, orders are often low-paid
2022-08-30 19:47