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Landing Page Anatomy: Functional Elements

✍️ How to turn your prototype into a high-converting landing page? Based on our research, there're 5 essential sections needed for a clear narrative: Cover, About the Project, Advantages, Credibility section, and Call to Action.

Once you're done with the website structure, select blocks from the Block Library for each section of your project.

Choose the Cover page block according to its functionality. If you're offering a workshop, choose a block with a form and "Submit" button; if you're selling jewelry, a full-screen image will work better.

When creating the "About us" section, avoid clichés like "industry leaders with extensive experience..." - they convey no information. Never assume that it's clear what your business is about. Opt for a simple explanation with easy-to-grasp facts.

Advantages make your product or service unique. You can use blocks from the "Features" category to nicely visualize them.

To earn trust, you can add reviews, show well-known partners, tell success stories, present your team, etc. The choice depends on what your business is about. Check how your competitors build trust and see what's best for you.

🙋 The call-to-action (CTA) block is the most important section of any landing page. You can fix your CTA block so it's always visible, or add several buttons to different sections – just make it stand out so that it's easy to notice.

Discover all Tilda block sections & use cases in the 3d Chapter of the Landing Page Course 👉 https://tilda.link/course-chapter3
2021-05-11 15:00