Tilda Blog

What to Show the Client in the Design Concept?

A design concept is the visualization of the core idea behind the future website. The design concept will help you "sell" your vision for the project to the client and agree on its basics. This will allow you to safely start the website development without worrying that someone will not like the chosen color or style.

🙌 Imagine that your client and their team are an entirely different universe, and you will need time to learn more about them before suggesting a design solution. How can you present your idea to the client using design language?

See the tips on what to include in your design concept in the post 👉

💬 Share your tips for presenting design concepts to clients in the comments!

Post by Sasha Koltashova, digital strategist at Svoemedia.
Agency website: https://svoemedia.com
2021-10-26 14:00