Tilda Blog

How to Create a Cover Page Slideshow

💫 Draw more visitors to your cover page with a slideshow gallery effect, an animated rotation of several images. Slideshow makes the page more dynamic, engages users, helps to quickly grab their attention and focus it on the key information.

To add the slideshow effect, use the modifier block T833 "Animated slideshow for covers" from the "Other" category. You can either add the modifier under the cover or place it anywhere on the page and set the ID of the block you'd like to apply the effect to. You can do this in the "Content" tab of the modifier block.

In the same "Content" tab upload images for the slideshow. In the "Settings" tab choose the animation style and set the filter color and opacity if needed. Done!

The cover images will be displayed one at a time as a slideshow after you have published the page.

📌 You can use this modifier for any block with background images as well as for Zero Block. Simply enter the ID of the required block in the "Content" tab of the modifier block.
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