Tilda Blog

Website Titles

😎 Good usage of titles allows website visitors to scan a page, skim text, and find information quickly. Discover how to write and design titles.

Title Text
Every website section has a new idea. Define this idea in your title concisely and briefly. Avoid sophisticated phrases as your website visitors should understand the title in seconds.
Instead of writing “Make sure that this course is suitable for you” write “Who is the course for.”

Title Font
You can use different font weights or even different fonts for the titles. The main thing is that title and body text typography combined well but the title didn’t blend with the body text and could be read easily.

Title Size
Title is usually bigger than body text. The key rule is that all the titles for equivalent text sections should be of the same size to follow the hierarchy, otherwise website visitors will get confused on the page.
If the first title, “About the course”, is 62px, the next section title, “Who is the course for”, should also be 62px. Then the page will look tidy and website visitors will understand the text section and the new idea easily.

Title Spacing
Spacing between title and its text should be equal or half as much bigger than spacing between paragraphs.
It’s better to do spacing before the title twice as big as spacing after the title. Then the title will not stick to the previous section and will belong to the following text.

To help search robots scan the page easier, tag the cover title as H1 and section titles as H2.
It will be understood by search engines as good markup and correct page structure.

To add tags, use "SEO: Title tag" in the Settings panel of the block.
2021-12-14 13:00