Tilda Blog

Creating a multilingual website

To expand your audience and reach more potential buyers, create a multi-lingual website on Tilda. You have two options: include translated pages in one website or post translated content across several websites. Let's take a look at some examples that will demonstrate where each of the approaches works best.

1. Different languages within the same website

Do this if you have a one-page website. Create a copy of the page, substitute existing content with a translated text. Add a basic menu block with a language menu such as ME204, ME301, ME302, ME303, and others. Add links to each of the language versions of the website.

2. Different languages on different websites

Perfect if you have a website with many pages, a single header, and a footer. In this case, it's much more convenient to create two or three websites and connect each to a separate domain or a subdomain such as mysite.com and es.mysute.com, for example.

1. Create a website

2. Create copies of all pages, go to Page settings → Actions → Duplicate

3. Create a new project and move the duplicate pages via Page settings → Actions → Move page to another website

4. Change the content in your second website and appoint a new Header and Footer where you should add the links to the translated versions of the website.


👉Read more about creating a multilingual website: https://help.tilda.ws/bilingual

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