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How To Use References In Web Design

For designers, developing a visual experience and collecting references is part of the job. References help you generate new and develop existing ideas, create mood boards for clients and come up with visual solutions for future projects. Discover how to get the most out of references 👉

Study Websites You Like

Save examples and analyze the design techniques, e.g., lots of whitespace, contrasting typography, and rounded elements. Which of these shapes the overall style? What if you change one of the techniques to its opposite? What can you use in your project?

Divide References Into Groups

When saving examples, try to group them. If you're developing a landing page, you may break references into categories: Color schemes, font pairings, illustrations, compositions, and typography. Such a library of techniques will serve as a great inspiration resource for developing new projects.

Select Techniques Suitable For Your ProjectAlways use multiple references for a project. Best solutions often lie in between techniques, or when you combine seemingly incompatible ones.

Working with references is not about stealing ideas. It helps you improve your technique set and learn how to think analytically.

All the examples in this post are selected from the #madeontilda gallery. The best projects by Tilda users are collected in one gallery and categorized for easy search 👉 tilda.cc/madeontilda
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