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✏️ How To Write a Client Brief

Before starting work on a client's website, it's essential to fully understand the task and their expectations. A brief—a questionnaire filled out by the client—helps gather all the necessary information about the product and key objectives.

Learn how to write an effective client brief👇
Why Is a Brief Important?
A brief helps the designer gather project details and allows the client to set clear goals and expectations, reducing the risk of unnecessary revisions and unsatisfactory results for both parties.

What Questions Should You Ask?
Ask open-ended questions to get a full understanding of the client’s goals, business objectives, and product benefits.

For example:
Why do you need a website?
• What does the company do?
• Who are its competitors?
• Who is the target audience?

Personalize the Brief
Beginner designers often use template briefs from the internet without customizing them for the client. Be sure to ask only those questions that will help you execute the project effectively.

Here are some examples of questions that can hardly be relevant:
• What's your favorite color?
• What inspired your brand name?
• How do you see your business evolving?
• Which company's marketing do you like the most?

Schedule a 1-1 Call
Even if the client has filled out the brief, arrange a meeting to discuss the details. This way, you can ensure they understand all the questions correctly and address anything that isn't clear.
2024-10-17 19:57