NOVEMBER 20, 2021
Micro Updates on Tilda
Linked Category in the Product Settings in the Catalog
In the Product Catalog, the linked category is now displayed in the product settings. Clicking on it will bring you to the page editor with the block where the items from the category are located.
Delay Before the Start of the Block T723 "Trigger: Show Pop-Up on Tab Close" From the "Other" Category
A new field is available for block T723: "Delay before the trigger starts (in seconds)". Use it to set the page visit time after which the tab closing trigger is activated. This setting helps reduce the negative experience for visitors who choose to immediately leave the page or switch to another tab.
Sending Click Data to Statistics For Blocks From 6 Categories
Checkbox to send button click data to the analytics system is now available for blocks from 6 categories: How It Works, Timetable, Team, Features, Partners, and Reviews.
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